At last, I hit the send button and my copy got a reply.

venkatesh v
4 min readApr 12, 2024


Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

I’ve been learning copywriting for a while now. I was only reading about copywriting to make myself perfect before working on projects.

It didn’t help me.

After a while, I started rewriting copies from various brands and creating spec ads to improve myself.

Last week, I decided to rewrite Strava’s copy, presented as a copywriting exercise by Alex Cattoni on her social media pages.

Earlier, I tried rewriting but didn’t get it right nor had the courage to share it for feedback.

Now, I tried rewriting and got the courage to share it for feedback.

Rewriting is hard

Rewriting a better version takes lot of work.

  1. It should not change the core message.
  2. Have the brand’s voice.
  3. Rewriting- It’s not paraphrasing, it’s much more than that.

Here’s the process and the results.


This ad starts with a conviction hook targeting specific TG.

“The #1 social network for runners”.

The description is from a promotional perspective. It aims to promote the Strava platform.

Boost your runs with Strava.

Step up your performance.

Join challenges.

Connect with global running community.

The ad uses an motivating, and encouraging tone of voice.

Step up your performance.

Join challenges.

So these are the available details. Is it enough to rewrite?


To rewrite, I required more details about the platform. So, I dug even deeper to find USPs, Use Cases, Experiences, Features and Benefits.

I visited their website and collected more information about the platform.


Track and analyze every aspect of activity

Measure your performance

Connect with community and share your adventure

Real time location sharing

Don’t just track your adventure, show it.

Additionally, I collected VOC data from Reddit and other sites. I also got some details from the website which I liked, and thought that would show authority and credibility.

And now comes the big moment: To rewrite a better version or write an alternate copy that feels like it’s tailormade for the brand.

It took me 3 days to gather information and rewrite the copy.

1. I started with the Hook.

The hook was simple, direct and it was perfect, but how to rewrite that?

I also focused on the same promotional angle but changed the presentation way.

I wrote 10 hooks and then fed the content into ChatGPT to give me more alternate versions with different angles and combined both my version and AI version into suitable hooks.

Old hook

“The #1 social network for runners”.

New hook

Transform your running into adventures with Strava.

The hook explains that Strava isn’t just for connecting with runners. It turns your ordinary runs into exciting adventures.

2. Now for description

Once again, I didn’t change the simple written angle and went with the same angle but with a different approach. I also included a customer comment to make it more relatable.

Old description

Boost your runs with Strava. Step up your performance. Join challenges. Connect with global running community.

New description

Make runs exciting with Strava! Personalized insights, real-time location sharing, and celebrate movement with a global running community.

3. Now for the missing part.

The copy did not have social proof. I found a social proof on the website and added it to increase credibility and authority.

Over 100 million athletes in 195 countries use Strava.


I didn’t see anything wrong with the CTA, but still, I wanted to challenge and try rewriting it to see if it could be better.

Similar to the hook, I wrote my versions and fed the details to ChatGPT to get new variations.


Join Strava for free⁠



Get started with Strava for free⁠


I had to make sure not to make it long, stick to the original ad format, and be consistent in the same tone as them.

New Version

Hook: Transform your running into adventures with Strava.

Benefits: Make runs exciting with Strava! Personalized insights, real-time location sharing, and celebrate movement with a global running community.

Over 100 million athletes in 195 countries use Strava.

CTA: Get started with Strava for free⁠. DOWNLOAD⁠

I also wrote a 2 more versions of the copy.

2nd version

Hook: Enjoy every count with Strava.

Benefits: Challenge yourself and boost your runs with Strava! For any activity and goals, you’ll have a community at your back.

Over 100 million athletes in 195 countries use Strava.

CTA: Start your Strava journey for free


3rd Version

Hook: Don’t just track, show it. Explore new routes with Strava

Benefit: Find friends globally who share your passion, track, challenge and make your runs adventurous.

Over 100 million athletes in 195 countries use Strava.

CTA: Start your fitness journey with Strava for free



It’s not big, but for a beginner it’s a positive feedback.

Catch you in the next breakdown.

See ya.



venkatesh v

Helping Marketing, Finance and Ecommerce brands with blogs, emails, ads to build authority & increase conversions | Freelance content writer | Copywriter