First spec email that I pitched.

venkatesh v
1 min readApr 25, 2024


Recently I created an spec email for a food brand who I’ve been following for a long time.

I was following their work, but all they had was promotion emails. So I focused on writing an engagement email.

Here’s how I wrote the email.

  1. Research.

Studied what the brand. Their business, product, goals, missions and their “why”, experiences, objections, features, and benefits.

2. Use case

I created a list of how the product will fit into the customer’s life and created a use case using the product usage in daily life.

3. Keeping it relevant

Since the brand was a health conscious brand. I took the breaking stereotype and normalizing angle to keep it relevant.

4. Focus on brand voice.

I used their social media handles, ads to find the brand’s voice and created a list of words they use in their campaigns to write the email.

Here is the email

Subject line: Break the Stereotype


Sometimes you leave your bed untucked. Sometimes your night PJ’s are your day PJ’s and sometimes you eat pasta for breakfast.

Let’s embrace-nay, Let’s normalize- the small comforts that fill us with joy every day. Like giving normal breakfast a rest and enjoying pasta.

Now, your favorite food comes in a healthier pack with 100% Maida free, No Artificial colors, No Oil, Vegan, Preservatives free, Plant based and Vegan.

CTA: Guilt-free start

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.



venkatesh v

Helping Marketing, Finance and Ecommerce brands with blogs, emails, ads to build authority & increase conversions | Freelance content writer | Copywriter