This was the most challenging copywriting exercise for me.

venkatesh v
3 min readMay 26, 2024


This month I wrote an ad as a part of a copywriting exercise that came with a surprise twist.

Brief: Write an ad for a luxury watch in 5 words or less.

In 5 words or less ? Seriously ?

Now, that’s a challenge to flex the creative side.

I began the work by collecting terminology/words/phrases that go with luxury watch marketing. It is super important as this is the foundation for building the copy.

I turned to my swipe files and noted concepts that I can use here.

Next stop was Jarvis (ChatGPT) to get some assistance to get some ideas, problems, tonality, experiences, features, benefits, etc.

Here are the versions I created.

Here I used the Anti- Thesis approach.

  1. Limited edition to show exclusivity and product value.
  2. Lasts generation to show the product value and quality.

Opposite words attract and make the copy more appealing.

This is a common approach. A direct attack on the competition. “The smartwatch”. It shows the product still holds class among the expensive smartwatches.

This is an old-school method. Wrist watches have been a part of our attire for a long time.

Watch = Classic.

Even with the rise of smartwatches, wristwatches continue to be attractive and hold value.

Additionally luxury watches often feature timeless, classic designs that go beyond current trends in fashion.

Because of its timeless aesthetic appeal, a well-made luxury watch is a valuable addition to any collection since it maintains its appeal and style over time.

The reason why people buy luxury watches? It lasts long, and I used that benefit to my advantage.

So we’ve seen people wearing vintage products that belonged to their forefathers and getting widespread attention. It shows the product value.

It is similar to the above concept. It shows the product is more than a watch.

Most people believe in traditions and passing valuables to generations.

It is a good story, and it creates an emotional connection. We’ve seen people use their father’s car, grandfather’s glasses, and mother’s necklace and are proud of owning them.

Some people like to buy products for their craftsmanship, for example, Apple, Rolex, Patek Philippe, Hermes, etc.

People buy wristwatches all the time. Some buyers value the detailed work, innovation, and design that goes into making these watches.

So “feel,” tells the buyer to enjoy the product and creates an emotional picture for them.


This was a challenge I took and did justice.

Let me know which one you like and what I missed out.



venkatesh v

Helping Marketing, Finance and Ecommerce brands with blogs, emails, ads to build authority & increase conversions | Freelance content writer | Copywriter