Write with AI, but edit with a human.

venkatesh v
3 min readJun 5, 2024


Some brands have started working with AI for their content creation, leaving behind writer.

AI vs human.

AI works fine with the correct prompts, but still has a long way to go.

I’ve been working with AI content for a while now, here’s where human intervention is needed;

1. Repetitive Phrasing

AI uses phrases or sentence structures repetitively.

Example; AI Generated: “The stunning sunset was a beautiful sight to behold. The sky turned a brilliant orange and pink, making it a stunning view. The colors of the sunset were truly magnificent and made the evening stunning.”

Human Written: The sunset was beautiful with the sky turned a brilliant orange and pink in the evening.

2. Lack of Depth

AI content can be subtle or lack deep understanding and insight.

Example: Human written: “The movie was great. The special effects were top-notch. The plot, however, had several holes that were hard to overlook. Still, the special effects were amazing.”

AI-Generated: “The movie was very good because the special effects were very good. The story had some problems, but the special effects were very good.”

3. Generic Responses

The content can be general and not tailored to the specific context or audience.

Example: Human written: “My trip to Paris was unforgettable! The Eiffel Tower at night is truly magical, and the food at the little bistro near our hotel was out of this world.”

AI-Generated: “My trip to Paris was very good. The Eiffel Tower was nice, and the food was good.”

4. Predictable Patterns and clichés.

AI can produce text that relies on clichés or overly predictable patterns, lacking the creativity and uniqueness often found in human writing.


Human written: “It was a dark and stormy night, the kind that makes you want to curl up with a good book and a hot cup of tea.”

AI-Generated: “It was a dark and stormy night. The thunder roared, and the lightning flashed. It was a perfect night for staying inside and reading a book.”

5. Complex sentence

AI-generated content can include complex sentences, and these sentences often lack the natural flow.


AI- Generated: “To address the adverse effects of climate change, it is crucial that governments, businesses, and individuals work together to implement sustainable practices and adopt renewable energy sources, thereby reducing carbon emissions and promoting environmental resilience.”

Human Written: “Addressing climate change requires a collaborative effort from governments, businesses, and individuals to accept sustainable practices to reduce carbon emissions, and combating rising temperatures, and unpredictable weather patterns.”

6. Fluff

Fluff can drown out the real message and purpose of your content and can quickly turn a reader off.

AI content can include fluff while generating prompts using un wanted adjectives like ‘amazing’, ‘incredible’, etc.

This type of exaggeration in your writing will cause your readers to question your credibility and the trustworthiness of your writing.

What did I miss ?



venkatesh v

Helping Marketing, Finance and Ecommerce brands with blogs, emails, ads to build authority & increase conversions | Freelance content writer | Copywriter